Balanced Index

Pension investment option

Return objective

  • To achieve adequate long-term investment returns* using simple lower-cost investment strategies.
  • To outperform an average annual return of CPI plus 3.5% p.a. net of tax, investment and administration fees over rolling 10-year periods.

Risk profile

  • Offers an emphasis on shares and property to achieve higher returns, but includes some lower-risk assets to reduce short-term risks.
  • The strategy is passively invested which is lower-cost but provides diversified exposures to selected listed asset classes like Australian shares, International shares, Australian Property Securities and Australian Cash.
  • This option is likely to produce a negative return in 4 to 6 years in every 20 years.

Risk level

  • High

Investor profile

  • Will suit investors looking for moderate to high returns over the long term, but who are prepared to accept fluctuations in investment performance over shorter periods.
  • The strategy is suited to investors seeking to minimise costs, although without utilising active managers seeking to achieve outperformance above market benchmarks. 
  • Minimum suggested time frame for holding the investment is 5 years. 

All investment performance and unit pricing is net of tax and fees, except the weekly $1.30 Administration fee. Returns have not been adjusted for the affect of any fee capping arrangement and are rounded to one decimal place. Investment returns are not guaranteed, and past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance.

This information on this website is general information and does not take into account your specific financial situation, objectives or needs. You should obtain and read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) relevant to your account type, found here.

You should also read the Target Market Determination. You should consider obtaining personal advice from a licensed financial adviser before making any decision based on matters included on this website.

Your personal return will differ from the above performance figures depending on your investment option(s), when you joined the fund, transactions, fees charged, and investment switches.

In the instance of a unit pricing error for exited members, compensation will be paid where the amount of compensation is $20 and above.

To view your own investment option, and your personal investment returns, log in to MemberAccess. For more information about unit pricing, and investment returns are applied to your account, refer to the relevant Product Disclosure Statement.

Each Investment option (with the exception of the Direct Investment Option) pools member contributions, which are then used to purchase assets such as shares, property, bonds and cash for that option. The assets of each option pool are notionally divided into units – or a share of those assets. The value or price of each unit is determined by the value of the pool of assets. As the value of the assets increase, the unit price rises. If the value of the pool of assets decreases, the unit price falls. If you contribute additional money to an option, you buy more units. If money is withdrawn to pay fees or to pay you a benefit, units are sold. To calculate the value of your investment, you multiply the number of units you have been allocated in the option by the current unit sell price.

What we invest in

Portfolio holdings disclosures as at 30/06/2024