Quarterly performance update: July to September 2023

At the beginning of 2023 investment markets performed well but by the end of September economic uncertainty led to increased volatility.
Our MySuper Balanced option showed a -0.58% return from 1 July to 30 September, aligning with the median return across all MySuper funds during the same period1.
Concerns about inflation and rising interest rates in major economies during the September quarter resulted in a decline in equity markets. This affected our exposure to global listed infrastructure and Australian unlisted property. On a positive note, our investments in the private markets sector, especially the Siguler Guff mandate and IFM private equity, provided positive returns.
Looking ahead, challenges persist. We anticipate that the issues affecting the markets in the September quarter, coupled with geopolitical tensions in the Middle East, will continue to contribute to market volatility and suppressed investment returns.
Despite short-term concerns, it's crucial to remember that superannuation is a long-term investment. We take pride in the legalsuper MySuper Balanced option, which has delivered a robust 6.92% per annum return over the past 10 years to 30 September1.
1. Source: SuperRatings All Products Balanced (60-76) as at 30 September 2023.
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