Member outcomes

To provide members with a more efficient online experience, with enhanced security, we upgraded our MemberAccess online portal during the period.
The upgrade includes a new, fully responsive design providing easier navigation, increased security with multi-factor authentication and a simpler method to reset passwords, removing the need for traditional security question prompts.
We also added the capability for online bookings of webinars and online meetings with our Client Service Managers to make it easier for members to book times most convenient for them and made improvements to our Interactive Voice Response (IVR) functionality to streamline the process for members connecting by phone with a Customer Service Consultant.
Cyber security continues to be an ongoing operational focus for us. In addition to upgrading security on our MemberAccess online portal, we continue to retain the services of a leading cyber risk management company to perform regular penetration testing, vulnerability assessments and phishing attack simulation exercises.
We have a robust Information Security Management framework and comply with APRA’s CPS234 Information Security Standard, which establishes requirements for how Australian financial services firms govern, manage and operate their information security capability.
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