Navigating uncertain times with legalsuper

Australia and the world currently face a level of uncertainty and challenge which has not been experienced for decades. There is significant financial uncertainty, insecurity of employment, interest rate rises, increased cost of living and global conflict - all of which follow almost three years of the Covid-19 pandemic.
At a time of such volatility, the objective of achieving the savings required to ensure the comfort you envisage for you and your family in retirement, becomes more challenging.
legalsuper has been proactive in responding simultaneously to these global and local challenges, with strategic and investment thinking based on a long-term horizon to ensure the continuation of optimum performance.
Despite recent and current challenges, we continue to deliver strong returns for members. For the year ended 30 June 2022, our MySuper balanced option ranked as the fifth highest performer according to independent ratings agency SuperRatings.
A key driver of our sustained outperformance is our continued commitment to active investment management. As a smaller fund, we have the potential to be more agile and innovative, avoid overvalued and relatively less compensated parts of the market; and seek out emerging institutional-quality investment opportunities in areas such in areas such as digital infrastructure and healthcare property.
While we perform well on behalf of our members, members can also be actively involved in the stewardship of their own accounts if they prefer. We offer members 11 investment options, plus a Direct Investment option.
As well as our ongoing focus on maximising investment returns for members, we continue to work on improving our overall service and support delivery to members. As part of this, earlier this year we launched the new legalsuper online MemberAccess portal, where members can easily login to access their account details, update their account plus much more. Our new portal enables the use of multi-factor authentication to ensure high levels of security.
It’s important to remember that while fluctuations in the share market may be unsettling for some, any short term reaction that is not based on sound investment philosophy and discipline can lead to adverse long term consequences.
During these uncertain and particularly challenging times, we are here to help you. If you would like to meet with us to discuss any aspect of your super - whether it be in relation to contributions, your investment options, insurance, fees or consolidating multiple super accounts into one account - our team is available for 1-to-1 consultations, offering tailored information and support.
Legal Super Pty Ltd ABN 37 004 455 789 is the Trustee of legalsuper ABN 60 346 078 879, AFSL 246315. This is general information and does not take into account your personal needs. You should read the legalsuper Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determination available at Past performance is not a guide to future performance.
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